Friday, 30 April 2021

We live in an authoritarian state

We live in an authoritarian state. The police who we feel protect us do not. They serve the people that make the rules. I had my house broken-into. The cops came and dusted the doors/etc and then they told me that chances of finding the perpetrators is basically zero.

Ok. But there is a deterrent for criminals that they will be caught and end-up in prison. No. Only 2% of the charges result in imprisonment. So police can't help us pre-crime and then the post-crime statistics are even worse. So how are they useful? They aren't.

No, what the police do is to concentrate their efforts on the general public. They issue their speeding fines, and random alcohol/drug tests, the body searches of young people at festivals (the pieces of shit), or the poor sucker who didn't declare something on his taxes as the rich get away with billions. In other words, they concentrate on the easy low hanging fruit as the real criminals, the real shit of society are left to destroy lives with impunity.

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