Thursday, 3 June 2021

The fallacy of wartime honour

So let's just get this straight. The article writer is not concerned that the Australian soldiers are in another country trying to undermine the internal political processes just because we feel that 'bad' people are trying to take over, and are killing their soldiers whilst there.

No. The writer is concerned that once we illegally killed one of their soldiers that our soldiers stepped beyond what he considers 'moral' behaviour. An honourable soldier, after illegally killing a citizen of the country we are invading, shouldn't cross this arbitrary line. I mean you couldn't write a movie script more bizarre.

Once again, we are being told that there is morality in war. That there is some kind of line which separates honour, which includes the act of killing, from dishonour, like the act of debasing this kill. It's Ok to go through the pockets of that dead soldier to find anything valuable or interesting. Wow, a pocket watch. That's moral. But we can't supposedly mock this soldier we just killed. This logic goes past the ridiculous.

And now these soldiers are facing 3 struggles; the struggle to stay alive, the struggle to stay mentally sane, and the struggles to defend themselves against the keepers of the honour of war.

But the larger picture is we are being told that we have the moral right to kill others simply because our elected officials have stamped this action as moral. This is how a country acts to ensure that they have future generations of young men to use for killing others and allows the parents to begrudgingly accept sending their sons to war returning home as badly-damaged shells of their former selves.

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