Friday, 23 July 2021

No one has a clue.

I don't know who this person is but she is correct when saying that no one knows what they are doing. But she should have left it at that because no one ever figures it out. We look at the successful or the extroverts and feel that they have it all together, that they are different from us or have some secret we are not privy to, and I can tell you that no one has the formula as to what it takes to succeed... because there is no formula. Nobody has a clue; we are all winging-it, and hoping that luck favours us.
Society has a survivor bias with the people who are deemed successful. The Jeff Bezos and Elon Musks of the world lead us to believe it was intelligence, grit, and determination that won the day, and society falls for this fallacy. What is not written about is the millions of others who are equally (or more) intelligent, gritty, and determined but who have failed. Why did those people fail and not Bezos/Musk? The answer is luck. There are 8 billion people on this planet and there will be people who end-up on the top of the pyramid because, statistically, someone will. Jeff Bezos is on top because someone had to. That's it.
No one has 100% of the information necessary to make a iron-clad decision and even if they can, the next day some event could happen totally destroying their carefully made plans. I can guarantee that everyone that has succeeded has had certain times where if things had happened slightly differently or later/earlier or not at all, they would have lost it all. And you would have never heard their name and someone else would be at the top trying to convince the world that it was their hard work that did it. I had a moderate success and this happened to me 2-3 times.
So what is the right thing to do in this ocean of uncertainty? The key is to give it a go. Try something, anything; in fact try something weird to try and separate your concept from the ordinary. Do not worry about the outcome as luck will be the main dictator of success, but do work at it and change things when it is necessary to change. If you fail, learn from it, and give something else a go. Conari persevera.
To illustrate my points, I will leave you with one of my favourite stories of thinking outside the box. Probably 15 years ago, this university student was thinking of ideas on how to make a buck as he was cash-strapped as all uni students are. He thought of a creating a website which was just a 1000x1000 pixel area where people could purchase a single pixel for a $1. He called it the Million Pixel Website (look it up). That's it. Without any real effort on his part, the thing went absolutely viral due to the originality. He was getting millions of views, publications were writing about it, and everyone wanted a piece of his virtual land. Even companies like IBM purchased a block. So he sold every pixel within a few months and made 1 million$. Nobody has a clue about anything.

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