Friday, 4 February 2022

Those pesky little religious people are at it again. Those wily rascals.


It's beyond me how a modern society can still condone and participate in the medieval practices of a group which has had a privilege for so long that equality now seems like oppression. To petition the government to give them the ability to discriminate against 5% of the people solely based on thoughts in their heads and the excuse of "Well, we've always discriminated against them so we want to continue" is laughable if it wasn't so evil.

So they are in an uproar because they can't expel kids based on sexuality. They want to damage kids as collateral damage to protect the very institutions that promote this discrimination. It is to protect an ethos formed from a single sentence in a 3,000yo book, and if they damage these kids or people lose their jobs, well, so be it.

And the reasoning is childish. “simply wanting to uphold scientific truth and the Christian worldview of human sexuality”. I assume when they talk of 'truth', they are talking about our physical bits which is a red herring. Who cares about the physical bits. People have the right to be who they are. But they mention 'truth' yet still feel that being gay is a choice or lifestyle. Where's the truth there? And this talk of their worldview makes me want to puke. Who cares about your worldview when you want to force your dogma onto society adversely affecting people who just want to live their lives in peace.

And... “This is a sad day for all Australians and particularly faith schools as it has put religious freedom and free speech at risk”. As I said, they believe equality is oppression. And people don't understand this concept of free speech. Free speech allows you to publicly voice your opinion on anything, but it does not mean that there are no consequences that others may levy on you for that opinion. These people feel that free speech is some get-out-of-jail card which has never been the case.

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