Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Here's to the cowards at military command


So I've been waiting for evidence like this to come out. It follows such a familiar corrupt path with the military: military creates a killer, turns a blind eye to atrocities on the battlefield, rewards him with promotions and Victoria Cross, journalists dig up some dirt on some misdeeds, military command doesn't want the heat and sacrifices this soldier to uphold whatever honour and ethics the killing of other humans has, news leaks out that the real issue is the military command.

But they can't have that, can they? The military command can't be seen as complicit in these acts, the entire ethos of the military which trains these men to kill and allows these atrocities cannot be put on trial. So they throw these PTSD-ridden soldiers under the bus, to persuade us that there is somehow a code of honour and ethics in the system of invading another country and killing their people. Disgusting.

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