Wednesday, 31 August 2022

The war on drugs is a punitive tragedy on society.

 Good article on the tragedy and corruption of the war on drugs. We have to remember that the war on drugs was started for 2 reasons: a) to control minority populations specifically the blacks/asians in the US, and b) to enable the empire-building ambitions of law enforcement. It had nothing, zero, nada, zilch to do with public safety. And as this article is outlining, it has had a punitive effect on society by incentivising the manufacture of stronger, more deadly drugs.

I mean, it's almost downright laughable that they demonise cannabis by spewing the tired old mantra of "well, cannabis is much stronger than back in the 60s" completely ignoring the emergence of these deadly and awful chemicals like ice and fentanyl, which have emerged as a direct result of this corrupt war on drugs. And these drugs will only get deadlier.

Monday, 29 August 2022

Advise for this journalist of women's rights... Stop shaming women.

If this isn't the most confusing article I've ever had the misfortune to read then I don't know. I don't get it. She complains about the history of strong women getting unjustly shamed and then proceeds to shame Kidman for getting strong.

And she uses ageism to do that shaming, somehow thinking that the fact that a 55yo woman has rightly decided that a) getting strong is the most important physical attribute that a older person can possess for quality of life, and b) getting strong to compete in her very competitive industry: movie-making, just the same as the women like Biles, Williams did in their industry for which the author selectively calls those women 'victims', is somehow demeaning. 

Demeaning to who? Well, after unfortunately having to read it twice, it seems her point is that it is demeaning to the hard-working women that don't have time to workout 5 times a week, calling it showing-off wealth/class. To hell with the fact that Kidman could use her public visibility to serve as a role-model that older women can be strong.

It's the same backlash of criticism from women that Billie Eilish got for making the grievous mistake of wearing baggy clothes when performing and thus angering the body-positive advocates. Cannibalism at it's worst.

And laughingly, she writes "an obsession with what has been lost", as though Kidman should be happy, at her age, sitting in a chair knitting. And her evidence to support this is to reference another actress Judi Dench, aged 87, who isn't 'obsessive' about strength and looks great for her age. Ok. So what?

And this is an author who has made a career writing about the rights of women. It is clear she has no interest in the rights of women to be who they are, if they mistakenly do not conform/abide to her own image. I thought this attitude is what these journalists supporting women's rights are fighting against. How hypocritical. I imagine the author seething over photos of 50+ actresses who have maintained their beauty.

I have some advise for this author of women's rights. Stop shaming women.

Sunday, 28 August 2022

An invitation from the universe.

Don't know if this is fake, but it doesn't matter because this is the evidence of how small little actions like this can radically change your life or create a lifepath that can branch-out in so many different ways. This is how to do it in life. This is an action where there is no risk, only possible positives. If no one had responded then she would have just experienced a beautiful day in nature. Hardly a risk.

Each of us should be always looking out for opportunities like this to create little new paths. Because, and this is key, you never know. And that uncertainty is the beauty of life. Consider doing these small actions as putting little feelers out there which test as to how the universe will respond. And if the universe responds with it's little invitation to explore this newly created path more fully, you should take it. 

Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Corporations sell discontentment


Well, isn't this ad so depressingly awful. This is what corporations are peddling. They aren't selling lipstick. They are selling discontentment. And it's not even subliminal any more, it's in your face. You are leading a boring life without this lipstick, or car, or whatever.

And what makes me almost laugh is that they are selling something you already have. We already have happiness; it just needs to be recognised and nurtured. But they are telling us that you alone is not enough; that you must place your faith of finding happiness externally in the type of lipstick you use.

They are sowing discontentment and that cannot be excused. When, in reality, the only thing missing is the realisation that we have everything we need already. You are already enough.

Thursday, 11 August 2022

People have the wrong idea about motivation

I think people have the wrong attitude and perception about motivation. Motivation shouldn't be thought of as an aid to act because that's not where it applies and can even derail your efforts. Motivation applies when you are thinking and strategising about a particular issue, and it's required actions. The motivation is needed when you really want to view an issue from all angles, fully research it, remove any emotion from your thoughts, and think of solutions with a clear and expanded view. Because only then, can the 'right' solution result.

And once you have the 'right' path, the actions don't require motivation. Your actions should just become a habit because your path is clear and these are the actions necessary for that path. People have it backwards. You can't get fired-up in order to perform the actions, you can only perform the actions and get fired-up.

An analogy of this is deciding to hit the gym. Motivation must be used to sit down with yourself, logically think, come to the realisation that you need to work on yourself physically, and research/plan it. If you require motivation each day to get in the car and head to the gym then this life-direction will probably not work in the long run. What happens if you don't have the motivation that day? No, you have to develop this into a habit where you just unthinkingly pack your gear, get in the car, walk into the gym, and start because these are simply your necessary actions.