Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Corporations sell discontentment


Well, isn't this ad so depressingly awful. This is what corporations are peddling. They aren't selling lipstick. They are selling discontentment. And it's not even subliminal any more, it's in your face. You are leading a boring life without this lipstick, or car, or whatever.

And what makes me almost laugh is that they are selling something you already have. We already have happiness; it just needs to be recognised and nurtured. But they are telling us that you alone is not enough; that you must place your faith of finding happiness externally in the type of lipstick you use.

They are sowing discontentment and that cannot be excused. When, in reality, the only thing missing is the realisation that we have everything we need already. You are already enough.

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