Friday 13 October 2023

The Voice Vote. Go ahead - write your little 'No'

Tomorrow is the Voice vote for the First People. All indications are that the 'Yes' vote will lose with only 41.5% support nationally.

It's just a shame. To me, it's a clear indication of the tyranny of the majority, and even worse, how systemic racism continues it's inertia within a society who would individually react angrily to even the suggestion of racism. Yet here we are. A country of plenty, who celebrate our Federation Day amid the protests of the indigenous, and look at the flagpoles with 2 separate flags without a hint of concern, and turn a blind eye to the facts such as the indigenous representing 2% of the population yet 40% of the incarcerated.

So go ahead. Write your little 'No' in the required spot. Accept that you have been fleeced by the misinformation and propaganda from the conservative/religious communities (as outlined in the linked article). Accept that you have been tainted by the same ugly doctrines that the conservatives/religious are using in the US to remove the guilt of past transgressions with respect to the African-Americans. We must 'move on from race' so they say. Accept that you have no ideas at all about how we better integrate our society. Accept that you don't want things to change.

Just accept that you don't give a damn. And why would you? You like society as it is. This is the lucky country after all; a country which has been systemically reconstructed with you in mind. 

So go ahead... write your little 'No'. Tomorrow will be just as good for you as today.

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