Sunday, 10 December 2023

UBI works. Here's proof.

This extensive study of UBI in Kenya is so chockful of good news that it's difficult to summarise it.

The money was paid-out either as a lump sum, or per-month, and of course there was a control group of people who were not paid at all.

The result is the people who were paid in a lump sum, substantially outperformed the other groups. And this makes sense, since they had the capital to start substantive businesses. And what was so amazing was the people who were paid per month, banded together to form savings clubs which allowed them to take turns in getting larger lump sums to create bigger businesses.

And inflation didn't rear it's ugly head because people were buying across a wide range of products.

It clearly showcases the inherent cooperative, connective, and intelligent nature of our communities.

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