Friday, 27 December 2024

SSRIs vs Psychedelics - not even close

 "But experts have warned that using them recreationally risks doing more harm than good."

What the...? Where did the author conjure this up from the data? Did they read the study they used for this article? I did. The study states that 78.6% of participants were glad to take psychedelics, 91.1% had only at most a day of discomfort, and only 2.6% of participants sought any assistance for their 'impaired' experience where the vast majority of symptoms of this 'impairment' were feeling anxious or some disassociation.

And this study was meant to highlight the adverse effects of these psychedelics. And if 15.7% of participants have a negative mindset before the study, then of course, you will get some people who have negative experiences.

This is what is so infuriating about the war on drugs. Right now as I speak, 7% of all Aussies are suffering withdrawal symptoms from SSRIs and the like... from a pool of 17% of Australian women, and 10% of men being prescribed SSRIs like candies. 10% of which are also experiencing sexual dysfunction issues. So SSRIs are a real problem in society, and yet prescribed by the tens of thousands every day.

I mean look at the difference in symptoms:

1) SSRIs: in this study (, the symptoms were: There were 1148 respondents, who were mostly white, female and educated. For 40 % of respondents, withdrawal symptoms had lasted more than 2 years and 80 % were moderately or severely impacted by them. One in four were unable to stop their antidepressant. Reported consequences of withdrawal included impaired work function (56 %), losing jobs (20 %), taking sick leave (27 %), and relationship breakdown (25 %).

2) Psychedelics: In the study I linked here, symptoms were: 

Feeling anxious 36.1% 

Difficulty sleeping 27.9% 

Difficulty thinking or making decisions 24.0%

Feeling disconnected from everything 23.7%

Feeling distant or cut off from other people 20.1%

Bothered by little things 18.4%

Headaches and/or body pain 16.3%

Re-experience of stressful event in the past 15.7%

Trouble enjoying things 14.4%

Sensitive hearing 14.4%

In other words, the symptoms for psychedelics were quite benign compared to the SSRIs. It's not even close. The current system is an unconstitutional mental health nightmare.

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