Friday, 22 January 2021

It's all about luck

 So this is the millionth article on the 'luck' of Earth being habitable. Yes. We get it. All of us have won the cosmic lottery of being born on a planet that is a) conducive to life, and b) hasn't had a gamma-ray burst targeted at it or a life-ending event like the Yellowstone caldera exploding or a million other events that could wipe-out life.

Yes. It's all luck. We are living on this heaven of a planet because for the last few million years nothing dramatic has happened to us.

But the dinosaurs would have a different view. Their world came to an end when the Earth was hit with something big enough to destroy the big species of that time and the little insignificant animals called mammals, these inconsequential animals suddenly became top dog.

Exactly the same that I am the son of a father that crossed the Atlantic Ocean dozens of times in World War 2 ship convoys and managed to escape alive unlike many thousands of his peers. The fact that some German U-boat captain decided to target some other ship besides my father's ship is the reason that I am here.

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