Saturday, 2 January 2021

Money is free for the government

 "They didn’t have to finance the tax cuts. They just made a political decision. They can do the same with building an economy from the ground up. Healthcare as a right. Housing and education for all. The right to a job. And they can start with making sure no one is going hungry."

This is a post about the fact that the only legislative thing Trump did in his 4 years was to sign a tax-cut for the wealthy. And this poster is exactly right. The government has the ability to create debt in its own dollars. Well if it is in it's own dollars... is it really debt? No. How can a govt be indebted with its own dollars? It can't.
The only problem is inflation. By printing money our dollar may be increasingly worthless. But what happens if the govt borrows money for infrastructure, or science, or healthcare for the disabled? Do you think that the financial markets would have an issue with that? Not in your lifetime.
If I can take all of macro-economics into a single sentence I would say: money is free for the govt.

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