Thursday, 28 October 2021

Round and round the political merry-go-round we go. Round and round.


Round and round the merry-go-round goes. Labor -> LNP -> Labor -> LNP ad infinitum. Round and round it goes. Same view each time, same ride. Round and round.

Where's the climate change modelling data, ScoMo?


Where is the modelling data, ScoMo? Oh, that's right, it's empty words. 70% of his 'plan' consists of the emptiness of 'technology breakthroughs'. How on earth is this government policy? Were these 'breakthroughs' going to happen with/without government anyway?
And then he actually holds up a iPhone in parliament to show the virtues of technological breakthroughs. Takes real chutzpah to hold up an electronic deivce which, by itself, has caused so much environmental damage in it's production, and ongoing pollution from all the rare earth minerals it requires.
But they are hamstrung by the Nationals who care more about the 30,000 dirty, black-lung producing, coal jobs than the hundreds of thousands of good jobs that the transition from an oil/gas economy to a renewables one. This is pure politics because they know who their supporters are: old religious boomers. Forget the children who will not vote conservative in their lifetimes and will have to suffer the consequences of such weak, soulless men. We are being held hostage by old religious boomers.

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

The Danger from the People in Power

Here we go. Didn't think it would happen in Australia. The first step towards manufacturing doubt towards the integrity of elections.
And what is the problem that this is trying to solve? A few yahoos who try to game their vote which ends up affecting nothing? No, they are looking at the US to see the blueprint as to creating doubt in election integrity in order to enact laws which disadvantage certain minority segments of the population who, based on past polling, will not vote for them. It is a way to shore-up their prospects of re-election because they know that their supporters will not be disadvantaged by these laws; they have 6 forms of ID in their Gucci purses.
It is racism under-the-covers. Pure and simple. It is to disadvantage the non-whites and non-conservatives from voting. It is to maintain the white conservative way of life.
"McGrath said the government wanted 'to make sure our electoral system is ready', including that it is 'healthy, transparent, and fair for all'."
Haha. Listen to the lying weasels. Show us the evidence of election fraud then. Show us how this fraud is an increasing and significant danger on our elections. "healthy, transparent, and fair for all". Just intellectually disingenuous words stuck together. They use words which no one can argue against to create a solution which 'solves' an issue that they create out of thin air.
Morrison knows he won the last election by the hair on his chinny-chin-chin. These laws do nothing but help his re-election. Next tactic may be to make voting optional. He's drooling over that one.

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Sentience is more than just humans

Interesting article on sentience. It is certainly a worthy academic study to determine what kind-of sentience other animals have. It is narcissistic to believe that the human brand of sentience is the only valid measure of it. We have to admit that these animals have been evolving at least as long as humans with some existing far longer than homo sapiens.

The problem, of course, is we will only study and measure the type of sentience which we are aware of. How can we study something that only a crow may have, which we are unaware of? For example, they are only starting to understand that some birds have an almost quantum-like 'feel' to assist them in navigating long distances. It may be difficult to study this as we humans just do not have this.

A Very Disappointing Day

Very disappointing decision. Especially considering that the Paris accord to limit temperature rises to 1.5c is an international agreement; one would think that the UN would be the right jurisdiction to rule on it.
And would like the UN to tell us how we will stop Brasil from clearing hundreds of acres of rainforest a day without the threat of international retributions. A global crisis requires global measures.
But the court is certainly correct that effort must be made at the national level, but I am unsure why this negates the need for international pressures as well. We only have to look at our pray-to-the-Lord PM to understand the political dodging and hyperbole that goes on at the national level.
But this group of young people have the correct strategy. It is the children that must be filing these cases against the inaction of climate change as they are most affected.

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Individualism will destroy us.

There is no job other than a politician where you can have this level of conflict-of-interest and remain on the job. Supposing you're a judge and a case about (say) mismanagement at a aged care home comes up and you have $500,000 per year in dividends from a company which supplies aged care homes, you would be required to recluse yourself. Obviously. But politicians get a free ride.
And it's sad. Humans do not currently have the social intelligence necessary to thwart a global issue like climate change. The individualism in us is currently just too great a force to adjust ourselves to think of the common good. We see this now where racism, tribalism, nationalism, greed, religion all conspire to ensure that the wisdom of the collective is outweighed by the selfishness of the few.
And what do we do with this Senator from this poor, backward US State which could gain benefits as a participant in the new economy, but will now further relegate itself on the back of a dying coal industry. What can we, the people living halfway around the world in Australia, do to fight against this selfishness as the oceans on OUR shores rise 3.8mm per year and we bake in OUR summers.