Wednesday, 27 October 2021

The Danger from the People in Power

Here we go. Didn't think it would happen in Australia. The first step towards manufacturing doubt towards the integrity of elections.
And what is the problem that this is trying to solve? A few yahoos who try to game their vote which ends up affecting nothing? No, they are looking at the US to see the blueprint as to creating doubt in election integrity in order to enact laws which disadvantage certain minority segments of the population who, based on past polling, will not vote for them. It is a way to shore-up their prospects of re-election because they know that their supporters will not be disadvantaged by these laws; they have 6 forms of ID in their Gucci purses.
It is racism under-the-covers. Pure and simple. It is to disadvantage the non-whites and non-conservatives from voting. It is to maintain the white conservative way of life.
"McGrath said the government wanted 'to make sure our electoral system is ready', including that it is 'healthy, transparent, and fair for all'."
Haha. Listen to the lying weasels. Show us the evidence of election fraud then. Show us how this fraud is an increasing and significant danger on our elections. "healthy, transparent, and fair for all". Just intellectually disingenuous words stuck together. They use words which no one can argue against to create a solution which 'solves' an issue that they create out of thin air.
Morrison knows he won the last election by the hair on his chinny-chin-chin. These laws do nothing but help his re-election. Next tactic may be to make voting optional. He's drooling over that one.

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