Thursday, 28 October 2021

Where's the climate change modelling data, ScoMo?


Where is the modelling data, ScoMo? Oh, that's right, it's empty words. 70% of his 'plan' consists of the emptiness of 'technology breakthroughs'. How on earth is this government policy? Were these 'breakthroughs' going to happen with/without government anyway?
And then he actually holds up a iPhone in parliament to show the virtues of technological breakthroughs. Takes real chutzpah to hold up an electronic deivce which, by itself, has caused so much environmental damage in it's production, and ongoing pollution from all the rare earth minerals it requires.
But they are hamstrung by the Nationals who care more about the 30,000 dirty, black-lung producing, coal jobs than the hundreds of thousands of good jobs that the transition from an oil/gas economy to a renewables one. This is pure politics because they know who their supporters are: old religious boomers. Forget the children who will not vote conservative in their lifetimes and will have to suffer the consequences of such weak, soulless men. We are being held hostage by old religious boomers.

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