Monday, 3 January 2022

My thoughts on Brian Cox's wise words

Brian Cox talks of the the movie Don't Look Up, a satire (hopefully!) about the struggles astrophysicists have to convince everyone of an impending comet strike. And I think there is some wisdom in what he says which may be applicable to this sub. Please delete this if not.

1st, he talks that the universe is a violent place. And a corollary to this, it is a fragile place. It is not fine-tuned for anything other than an existence based on it's physical laws. And we know this. Amongst the sheer number of events which could harm us, an asteroid or comet could wipe us out as it did for the dinosaurs. We only have to look at the Moon with it's millions of impact craters to know the power of nature and the absolute certainty of long probabilities.

2nd, he talks of 'meaning'. And I love how he phrases it that "we may be the only ones in the galaxy that can think about meaning". So we need to be humble and truthful about what actually constitutes meaning for us. In other words, 'meaning' may be a very precious thing and we need to think deeply on what it truly is.

3rd, he talks of his concern with all the 'noise' which is a central part of the movie. How do we make people pay attention to what is real amongst this increasing noise. So we owe it to ourselves and the long evolutionary progression of our species to be inquisitive about what is the truth. And we know full well what this truth is. And we all know that this truth is what is important for our species to continue to move forward. Cox is right; people spend more time on their favourite footballer than the things that truly matter.

Lastly, it's a poignant moment at the end when DiCarpio says "we really did have it all". And I agree. We have won the cosmic lottery by being born sentient creatures on this gorgeous planet. We should be respectful and appreciative of this fact. We should come at life based on a sense of gratitude rather than we are damaged souls in a damaged world.

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