Thursday, 30 December 2021

Ghislaine Maxwell is sadly the end of it all


So Ghislaine Maxwell has been found guilty of human trafficking today and faces a billion years in prison. As she should. And I wonder whether this will be the catalyst to begin investigations into the men who used/abused/misused these girls. I doubt very much that Ghislaine will give up any evidence into these men because a) regardless of her cooperation she is still spending her life in prison, and b) she knows that her boss Jeffery Epstein committed 'suicide' while in custody. So self-preservation may prevail.
But it would seem to me that since someone has been convicted of underage trafficking, it is a no-brainer to conclude that this trafficking was done at the behest of rich men. Why else would you traffic these girls if there was no market. And these men need to pay for the destruction of these young girls lives.
So I feel that this is where the investigations will stop. It's that sick feeling you get when you hear about some (say) rapist who was investigated and let go on some stupid technicality, only to attack other girls before he was finally nabbed. A sense that the justice that we common folk expect of the police/judicial system, isn't inline with the actual system.
And the main reason is that this will open up a pandora's box into the sick, twisted, immoral underworld of the rich, and the powerful can't let that happen.
Anyway, this cold-hearted opportunist is going to prison and it will be very interesting over the coming months to see how this is all swept under the rug.

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