Tuesday, 24 May 2022

US gun-shop owners still grapple with morality


Why are those gun-shop owners so skittish about talking about whether the Buffalo serial killer got his weapons from them? If they believe in the US gun laws and the 2nd amendment right to own a firearm, and more importantly, their ability to arm the populace with said weapons, why are they unwilling to talk about their possible involvement? Shouldn't they have long since justified their part in the whole cesspool that is America gun ownership? 32,000 Americans die from firearms per year. Do they not see their personal connection to all of this, and produced a logic in their head which allows them to sleep at night?

I find that one gun-shop owner so interesting. Here he is... making his money on the sale of guns, which constitutes 90% of his business, yet says “If he had bought the gun from me and mowed down those poor people,” he said, “I would not be able to go to work.”. What did he think a 18yo man would be doing buying a multi-round assault rifle? Squirrel hunting?

So it seems these gun-shop owners are fine with the legality of buying/owning guns, but still haven't come to grips with the morality of it.


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