Wednesday, 27 July 2022

The respect we show Christians who disrespect


So 7 Manly players have stood themselves down and will not play this weekend's critical game because Manly has decided to replace their usual white stripes on the jerseys with the rainbow pride colours to support inclusion.

It's just beyond my mental capabilities how Christians can continue their history of bigotry, and even worse that it is somehow accepted within society by showing respect to their thoughts in their heads which disrespect and cause real harm for 5% of the population. Society must feel that the disrespect and harm to the gay/trans community is less of an evil than the disrespect of the bigoted Christians. It has to be this way. There can be no other conclusion that my little brain can come up with.

And imagine if I am a Manly player and I come to the coach and say I can't play because the rainbow pride colours are the war colours of my god Urassty on the planet Delobus and I can't anger him. What do you think would happen?

No, society is inching slowly forward towards an inclusive future and constantly bumping into the bigotry of people using 2,000yo words in a book to attempt to retain the power and privilege the white Christian had solely because of, well, being white christians.

But let me repeat my message which must be sickeningly correct for society to operate like this. Society must feel that the disrespect and harm to the gay/trans community is less of an evil than the disrespect of the bigoted Christians.

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