Saturday, 25 June 2022

Abortion bans have nothing to do with the unborn child.

 Well, the US has now banned abortions at the federal level, returning their society to dirty back-alleys, mutilated and dead women, and secret visits to their 'Aunt' in another more progressive State.

This is a very worrying sign, not only because of the impact on women, but because it is the judicial system taking rights away. And yet 61% of Americans want abortion legal (Joe Biden became President with less support), so the motives of this decision are certainly not based on the will of the people.

We also have to remember that Row vs Wade was not about abortion per se. It was about the right of privacy; that a citizen has the right for privacy in matters which pertain solely to their own lives, and therefore the State could not intrude in those decisions. So it is indeed worrying that the US Supreme Court somehow justified this decision which erodes this basic human right which is the foundation of being free.

Therefore their motives must be darker. And they are. 

1) For American Christians, abortion was never an issue before the 1950s. It was deemed a 'Catholic problem' by even the most evangelical Christian churches. However, that all changed when the civil rights movement gained power in the 50s, and it culminated when the Supreme Court ruled against segregation of schools in Brown vs Board of Education. This decision incensed the whites of the Southern States of course and they needed a platform to rally the troops to fight against these progressive measures. Now they couldn't fight against integration, so they needed a new issue to fight which, without actually saying it, promoted the white supremacy ideals. And that was abortion.

And abortion was chosen because they knew it was an issue that affected the poor and people of colour disproportionally more than whites. Whites knew that regardless of an abortion ban, whites could get their precious Tiffany a safe abortion when a 'mistake' was made. So the roots of the abortion debate is racism.

2) And today, the US Supreme Court knows this and doesn't care. They know that the poor and people of colour are the victims of this decision. They know that it does not impact the rich at all. In fact, it favours the rich immensely. Because this decision puts more financial pressure on the people who can least afford it. And these people, who are forced to bear another child, now have even less freedom and therefore less ability to live free independent lives, and most importantly, mount any opposition to the rich. In other words, the abortion bans allow the rich to engage in slavery without the beatings and chains.

Don't think it has anything to do with the unborn child.

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