Saturday, 1 October 2022

The future of energy

This is the future of energy. Not the fusion reactors, or wind turbines, or solar panels, or geothermal. Right now we look to the Kardashev Scale to understand the future of energy, and the Type II civilisation can harness all the available energy of their neighbour star by enveloping it within some megastructure (Dyson sphere) to capture all it's energy and I think, ironically, that that's all so primitive now that I have read this article. But the Kardashev Scale is from 1964 so we need to give the guy some slack.

It is scientifically infantile to think that such a civilisation would need this massive structure for energy as though this civilisation would not understand the harnessing of quantum vibrations within the universe. We humans are still at the stage where we equate "more" with "bigger" when the future is "smaller".

And this article brings me back to the quote from Nikola Telsa who said: "If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration".

So this technology generates a clean, limitless (albeit currently small) amount of energy which, given enough graphene, could power small devices like watches/etc forever. But, to me, this is just the start. The universe has a vibration, and as we probe deeper into the quantum world we will begin to understand how to extract unlimited energy from the very small. Then we can turn off the power plants, and tear down the windmill and solar panel farms.

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