Saturday, 26 November 2022

Life on the hamster wheel. It's not inflation, it's devaluation.

We have to get off the hamster wheel that is current society. Petrol $2/litre, I bought potatoes at roughly $1 each... potatoes for goodness sake, the reserve rate has almost doubled, hurting anyone with a mortgage, my house insurance went up 27% from last year, the list is endless.

We are allowing this thing called money, which we invented and make out of a little bit of paper completely out of thin air, which it has no value itself other than the value we assign to it, to dominate our lives and create hardships for us. Money is now a weapon used against us. 

We are being eaten alive by inflation, actually that's wrong, it's not inflation, the more correct term is devaluation. This is because the central banks create new money in the system as debt bearing interest. This indebts the whole world, every person, every government, in totally non-payable debts, enslaving us all to bankers through personal debt or ever increasing oppressive and unjust taxation, permits, licences, registrations, regulations, rates, duties (like the ludicrous stamp duty here in AU), fees, fines, levies, surcharges, ad infinitum, of which an increasing volume goes straight to the debt creators, who created it for free.

So why it is devaluation? Because new money as debt creates massive bubbles (housing, stocks, etc) which devalues everyone's savings, work, pension by raising all prices. If the debt associated with increasing the money supply is a larger percentage than the percentage increase in population, how can it not devalue our assets?

We are being herded like cattle. And we are cattle; mindless automatons spending our lives toiling for others, too poor and tired at the end of the day working in the coal mines to understand the true reality enough to mount an opposition. So our world slowly devalues a little more every single day, and we go to (say) get our passport renewed and it's fee was $45 and now its $63, and go to the shops and pay a $1 per potato.

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