Friday, 26 November 2021

A way to test if there is universal consciousness

I've had the thought for a long time that I could uncover an universal tone that our consciousness was tuned to, and I could patent it (I know...) and then sell it. So if someone was feeling down or anxious, they would dial my service and, for $1.99, they could listen to this tone which would return them to some equilibrium with the universe. In fact it would be like heroin without the nasty effects because this tone would bring them to the most primordial state possible, and then I would become a gazillionaire. That was the plan.
"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." - Nikola Tesla

We would know that consciousness was universal if there was such a tone.

Thursday, 11 November 2021

I remember my father...

I remember my father, who was always an entrepreneur who hated working for others, complaining when he was getting older that he should have stayed at the CBC all his life and retired with a big pension. The CBC was the first job he had when we came to Canada in 1961. Funny that he got that job which was a public relations role showcasing this new TV technology and had never seen TV before. Such was the man.

Anyway, I was visiting my parents in Florida where they had a mobile home to escape the Canadian winters. My father was probably 60 at the time. One night we went on a walk to give their little beagle, Bessie, some exercise, and he confided that looking back over his life he wasn't the success that he should have. I didn't know what to say really.

And I wish I had had the smarts back then to have told him that you are a success because you stayed true to yourself and who you are.

My, how the dystopian ends have changed

 This group of scientists convened to talk of the dystopian result of nuclear weapons. Signatories included Albert Einstein. This was the existentialist issue of that era, and the person that won the Nobel Peace Prize from these efforts said this phrase as a plea:
"Remember your humanity, and forget the rest."
So we have a different dystopian end due to climate but his message would still the same:
"Remember your humanity, and forget the rest."

The evil that is religion

This is the absurdity of this bill. I could publicly say:

    "Homosexuals are depraved people" and I could and should be fired by my employer.

But publicly saying:

    "Hell awaits homosexuals" (such as Folau did) or "Homosexuals should be put to death for their sins" and if my employer fires me I can sue for, get this, religious discrimination.

It is a license to hate and discriminate against a minority group when the source of this hate are the very people being protected. You have to be brain-dead to think that this bill serves enough of a public interest to get enacted. No 'brain-dead' is the wrong word. You have to be so indoctrinated in your little way of life that you cannot empathetically see the psychological damage to other human beings that these actions can create.

What public interest is serviced by people being able to openly discriminate against a minority group in society based on thoughts in their heads? It's asinine. It's beyond callous.

Think of the damage that this bill could have on children who are unsure of their sexuality and forced to go to religious schools. The word for all of this is evil.

Thursday, 4 November 2021

The insanity of religious discrimination laws - Part II


This is one of the provisions in the proposed AU bill:

"conscientious objection provisions that would allow health practitioners to refuse to provide certain treatment".

Oh ok. So are these the same health practitioners that have used public transport and public universities and public hospitals/etc to educate and train themselves for 10 years so that they can now disallow a minority segment of the population from using that public training?

Did this minority segment of the population not pay taxes to support this medical training?

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

The insanity of religious discrimination laws

It's like I woke up in another world called InsaneEarth, or overnight all people were replaced with Body Snatching mindless counterparts. 

To get this bill down to it's bare roots; it allows people with certain thoughts in their heads to openly and legally make other people's lives worse off. And these other people are not acting illegally or even immorally. Their lives are worse off because of who they are. Thoughts in one's heads are legally about to become more valid in society than personhood. Maybe this same argument should be used the next time opposition to abortion comes up.

It breaks my soul that a modern-day society where it is clear that policies that pit one group against another is disadvantageous to a society of well-being, is now allowing and promoting such actions. 

And it is cartoonish to think that this discrimination, which is close to being law, is based solely on a single sentence in some book which, even the most advent practitioners agree, should not be taken literally. In fact, there is evidence that the original sentence was "If a man lies with a young boy..." as was somewhat common back then. So a group of people in society are demonstrably worse off because of a translation from a book not to be taken literally. Can I wake up on Earth tomorrow?

So we have learned sweet fuck-all from the abysmal and abusive past of religious power. We apologise to the indigenous for the Stolen Generation yet allow them and even assist them to move onto another, less protected, target. This is religion's last dying attempt at imposing itself onto society, and like the schoolyard bully, it targets a minority segment of the population which has been ostracised solely by the very people now asking for increased power.

Monday, 1 November 2021

Religion is practised solely because it's feel-good

Supposing 2,000 years ago, two competing books came out and both talked of an universal creator; one was a benevolent deity with an eternal heaven awaiting his followers, and the other who is this maniacal ogre who built the universe and humans in order to harvest their bodies upon death and send all of their souls to hell for eternity for his own pleasure.

Which book will be worshipped? Of course without a better alternative people would believe the feel-good story. Because people just can't believe that a deity who has total control over you couldn't be an absolute fucking monster. In fact, most people would believe that it was irrational to believe in such a deity even though the chance of this one existing is exactly the same as any other, even the maniacal one.

So all religions which have withstood the test of time have done so solely because they are feel-good. And no amount of theologian logic can argue against that fact.