Thursday, 11 November 2021

I remember my father...

I remember my father, who was always an entrepreneur who hated working for others, complaining when he was getting older that he should have stayed at the CBC all his life and retired with a big pension. The CBC was the first job he had when we came to Canada in 1961. Funny that he got that job which was a public relations role showcasing this new TV technology and had never seen TV before. Such was the man.

Anyway, I was visiting my parents in Florida where they had a mobile home to escape the Canadian winters. My father was probably 60 at the time. One night we went on a walk to give their little beagle, Bessie, some exercise, and he confided that looking back over his life he wasn't the success that he should have. I didn't know what to say really.

And I wish I had had the smarts back then to have told him that you are a success because you stayed true to yourself and who you are.

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