Monday, 1 November 2021

Religion is practised solely because it's feel-good

Supposing 2,000 years ago, two competing books came out and both talked of an universal creator; one was a benevolent deity with an eternal heaven awaiting his followers, and the other who is this maniacal ogre who built the universe and humans in order to harvest their bodies upon death and send all of their souls to hell for eternity for his own pleasure.

Which book will be worshipped? Of course without a better alternative people would believe the feel-good story. Because people just can't believe that a deity who has total control over you couldn't be an absolute fucking monster. In fact, most people would believe that it was irrational to believe in such a deity even though the chance of this one existing is exactly the same as any other, even the maniacal one.

So all religions which have withstood the test of time have done so solely because they are feel-good. And no amount of theologian logic can argue against that fact.

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