Thursday, 2 December 2021

We belittle any species other than us


It's fascinating that ant species, which we feel are just living automated robots concerned only with their instincts to preserve the species, have this separate stomach solely for social purposes.
Now someone will say, yes but ants being social is done solely to preserve the species, and the answer is: yes, but isn't that what humans do as well.
We belittle these species for the simple fact that they aren't like us; Eewwww, they actually vomit in each others mouths? Not understanding the narcissistic and anthropomorphic nature of that question.
But let's face the real truth. We belittle these species and kill them at will because we are the dominant species. That's all. We will get to the point where we will truly understand these species and realise that they have a sentience equal to our own, just different. Then what?

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