Friday, 7 February 2020

You think you're going to get that promotion?

I've managed people most of my business life and I can tell you that you probably won't be promoted. Sounds like you are too good to promote. I wish people would think about promotion from a management perspective. If a worker is great at their job and I cannot, as a manager, replace that employee with someone comparable, then I won't promote them. I will try to pay them more, but I won't promote them.
You only get promoted if there is a suitable replacement. So the #1 thing to know when it comes to promotions: Always train a replacement.
Then the risk to the manager is nil. He/she can promote you and the work that you used to do is still going to be done. Too many people think they are a star and then deserve to get promoted. Yes, you deserve to be promoted but you won't.
So the manager will probably promote someone good at their job but not a star. It's all about risk.
And, mate, if you're a star you shouldn't be working for anyone anyway.

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