Monday, 10 February 2020

Why ActiveGoals?


The Person

ActiveGOALS is about Progress. It allows anyone to track their goals, setup routines/tasks/notifications, journal your experiences.

Yes, at the end of the day, it's about progress. In fact, it's all about small continuous progress; lots of small constant little steps because all those little steps adds up to a journey. The life you ultimately have is the life that you choose. No sugar-coating about it. So lets get going. The goals await. And ActiveGOALS will push you. I created this platform because I deal a lot with the autistic community and I knew this platform can help them. But it can be used by anyone who wants to further themselves.

The only way a fear can dissolve is if your actions allow it to dissolve. You can have all the help in the world and that's great, but ultimately you are still the one that must go out and face your fears. I have built ActiveGOALS to help you do this.

ActiveGOALS has 2 main advantages:

  • You can allow anyone else access to your details. You may want a parent or carer to be able to view your goals and your progress. You may want a mental health professional to access your details and make notes, suggestions, plans, etc to guide and assist you.
  • Here's the big one. ActiveGOALS pushes you. It doesn't allow you to do nothing. You set a goal or a task? Fine. ActiveGOALS will make sure that tasks are done and progress is made. You miss doing a routine? ActiveGOALS will ask why you missed it. Get ready for lots of SMSs. You don't like this? No problem. Don't use ActiveGOALS.

ActiveGOALS is FREE-of-charge for anyone to use including parents/carers. (Mental Health professionals - please call me.)

"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." - Christopher Robin to Winnie-the-Pooh.

The Parent

ActiveGOALS is about Working together.

At the end of the day, our job as parents is to produce fully-functioning adults. We want our kids, regardless of needs, to be able to function as independently as possible. We are not going to be around forever.

So we need to put practices in-place today which prepare our kids for independency. They need to strive for goals, and most importantly, have the responsibility and the authority to manage their own path. We need to act as guides rather than doing the work for them.

There was been a recent tendency to coddle our children, to prevent them from failing, to unnecessarily protect them. This doesn't help them. We all know that failure is a big part of gaining life lessons. We also know the value in terms of self-esteem, confidence, inner happiness when our kids strive for a goal themselves and make it happen. A child's constant pursuit and attainment of small goals will ultimately prepare them for the time when they must (or hope to) become masters of their own fate.

ActiveGOALS gives your kids the power to plan and implement their own path/plans, and you can monitor the progress of your children via this platform, and be the guide and overseer as we should be.

The Mental Health Professional

ActiveGOALS is about Communication.

Most mental health professionals provide wonderful services and care deeply about their patients. But as a parent myself of an autistic child who underwent therapy I questioned the value of a weekly 50 minute session. It seemed that my son had to reengage the relationship with the therapist each time. I completely understand the business side of a practice which one of the reasons why I developed ActiveGOALS.

The fact that ActiveGOALS gives the parents access to their child's progress means that both the child and the parents are on the same-page and both vested into ensuring the greatest chance of the success of this child. This coupled with firm support from a mental health professoinal will give the child every possible chance of success in taking control of their lives and health.

ActiveGOALS allows you to monitor the progress of the patient, add tasks/actions, add documents which you feel are worthwhile, add or update a plan, and/or respond quickly to any change in the patient's mental health.

ActiveGOALS also interacts with the IBM Watson AI services and can take text written by your patients (600 words or more), and analyse it to produce 55 personality traits. Use it as another tool for your diagnosis of a patient, or see any changes in your patients personalities over time.

Eric Handbury
M: 0417 116 425

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