Saturday, 8 February 2020

Your happiness is enough.

Really. Imagine if you could be at peace. Think about what you would have to give up. That's right. It's nothing. You have this form and these set of attributes. Ok. How are we going to use these attributes. Because that is all that anyone has.

But happiness is not just walking around smiling all the time. Its about creating a life that you can control. So where are you getting money from? Peace requires money. Where is that money coming from? So your happiness must be real and rational; it must be real world. So work hard, do your own thing, and create that peace. Create the peace. Then you can be happy; you can go to Woolies to buy what you need and you can control about how you live your life.

So given your set of attributes what would make you happy? Everyone will have a different answer. Ok then strive to whatever that goal is. Because happiness is enough. What else would you want other than happiness?

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