Saturday, 15 February 2020

Turning the autistic's special interest into something more

We all know that the autistic have special interests, and some of the autistic are quite remarkable in regards to this interest; they may have an innate talent, they may have unrelenting drive and passion, they may have an insight that others just don't have. 

The key then is to find a way to turn that into something that creates an opportunity outside themselves. Start to find out if others have this same interest. If so, start asking yourself some questions. If others are interested, how can I help these others in this interest? What can I provide that will help these others? Be the person that creates services which surround this interest. Find ways to promote and grow this interest with the others that have the similar interest. If others have no interest, what things can I do that may pique the interest in others? In other words, how can I create a following? Then the key becomes being the one that creates this following, and this may become valuable.

Think of ways to promote this interest in both the others with similar interests or to bring others into your interest. Test the waters. Be innovative. Try things, fail, regroup, think some more, succeed. But everything they do remains within that interest.

Suppose your interest is birds. Well, websites are incredibly easy and cheap to setup these days. Create a website at Start a blog. Create a reddit subgroup: worldofbirds. Create a youtube channel. Etc. There are hundreds of avenues to check out.

Now the autistic person may not quite understand how to do this or even the potential of this. And that's fine so we need to help them in the initial stages. Help them to find these other people, test things out, and/or help determine if any potential opportunities exist. But once the autistic start to see their interest grow, this service to others may start to become part of their interest. Yes, they still love their interest but they also love the feeling of being part of something bigger than themselves.

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